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Conference Program



Registration and Breakfast
Location: CNR P-level outside the auditorium
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Location: CNR Auditorium
Chair: Max Lau
CFAR Keynote Session
Location: CNR Auditorium
Chair: Limin Peng
Keynote speaker: Annie Qu
Professor of Statistics
Department of Statistics
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science
University of California, Irvine
Data Integration for Heterogeneous Data
9:40-10:10 Coffee Break (Location: RRR RP01)
Invited Session
Parallel session 1
Location: RRR RL40
Chair: Lance Waller
Parallel session 2
Location: RRR RL20
Chair: Emily Peterson
10:10-10:40 Yichuan Zhao (GSU)
Bayesian Jackknife Empirical Likelihood-based Inference for Missing Data and Causal Inference Problems
Shijie Cui (Wells Fargo)
Enhancing fraud detection with graph neural networks
10:40-11:10 Chang Su (Emory)
Cell-type-specific mapping of enhancers and target genes from single-cell multimodal data
Qian An (CDC)
Statistical approach to evaluate the impact of a pediatric Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine campaign in Navi Mumbai, India
11:10-11:40 Ray Bai (UGA)
Order Selection for Clustering Multivariate Extremes
SAS Technical Talk
11:40-12:00 SAS Global Academic Programs (Location: RRR RL20)
SAS Global Academic Programs: A Corporate Partner to Enable Analytics Education.
Lead: Jacqueline Johnson (SAS)
Wells Fargo Luncheon Session
12:00-13:00 Lunch break (Location: RRR RP01)
13:00-14:30 Poster session at the first floor corridor between CNR and GCR
Invited Session
Parallel session 3
Location: CNR Auditorium
Chair: Max Lau
Parallel session 4
Location: CNR 1000
Chair: Ramesh Manyam
14:30-15:00 Johannes Milz (GT)
Sample Complexity of Risk-Neutral Optimal Control with Application to Vaccination Scheduling for Epidemic Control
Joshua Lukemire (Emory)
Flexible Bayesian Product Mixture Models for Vector Autoregressions
15:00-15:30 Ruiyan Luo (GSU)
Functional Differential Equation Model for Dynamic System
Donald Lee (Emory)
Boosted generalized normal distributions: Forecasting patient wait and service times in emergency departments
15:30-16:00 Xiaochen Xian (GT)
Adaptive Sampling Approaches for Real-time Data-Driven Decision-Making
Rongjie Liu (UGA)
Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Patient-Specific Abnormal Region Detection
16:00-16:20 Coffee Break (Location: RRR RP01)
Closing Session
Location: CNR Auditorium
Chair: Max Lau and Azhar Nizam
16:20-16:50 Closing remarks and poster awards